Franzis Gewuerzekammer

We provided our professional support to Franzi, who is a passionate spice expert and has begun selling online.


March 2024



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Franzi is a passionate spice expert which pays attention to the highest quality when producing spice mixtures. Her mixtures are made with a lot of love and care. She love spices and cares how their effect on food and health.

She started selling her spice mixtures using Shopify, but we proposed creating an individually crafted landing page for her and generating some social media content to enhance and boost sales.

Website and other materials was made in german language.

Course of the project:

After brainstrom with the team, we created initial version of landing page.
On every stage we discuss effects with Client. After five iterations, the project was ready for implementation. After reaching a coherent graphic vision, we also created graphics for social media.

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